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Case Law (CLOUT)
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relief-upon request
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Found 464 case(s)
CLOUT case 574
CLOUT issue: 51
CISG (1980)
United States of America
Court name
: U.S. [Federal] District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Decision date
: 29/01/2003
CLOUT case 585
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: British Columbia Court of Appeal
Decision date
: 16/07/1993
CLOUT case 582
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: British Columbia, Supreme Court
Decision date
: 22/04/1989
CLOUT case 600
CLOUT issue: 54
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Hong Kong, China
Court name
: High Court, Court of First Instance
Decision date
: 24/07/1998
CLOUT case 588
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: British Columbia industrial relations council
Decision date
: 23/07/1991
CLOUT case 586
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: Alberta Court of Appeal
Decision date
: 16/01/1992
CLOUT case 581
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: Alberta Court of Appeal
Decision date
: 02/05/1994
CLOUT case 577
CLOUT issue: 51
CISG (1980)
United States of America
Court name
: U.S. [Federal] District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Decision date
: 28/05/2003
CLOUT case 587
CLOUT issue: 52
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: Federal Court of Appeal
Decision date
: 20/11/1991
CLOUT case 502
CLOUT issue: 44
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
Court name
: British Columbia Supreme Court
Decision date
: 02/05/2001
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Albania (3)
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China (62)
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Switzerland (9)
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Uganda (3)
Ukraine (5)
United Arab Emirates (1)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (28)
United States of America (57)
Zambia (2)
Zimbabwe (3)
Legislative text
CISG (1980) (146 case(s))
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (1980, amended text) (Limitation Convention) (1 case(s))
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (New York, 1974) (3 case(s))
Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts (4 case(s))
Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997) (105 case(s))
Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996) (12 case(s))
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) (130 case(s))
New York Convention (1958) (61 case(s))
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) (12 case(s))
additional assistance (2 case(s))
additional award (3 case(s))
amiable composition (2 case(s))
annulment of award (1 case(s))
annulment of jurisdictional decision (1 case(s))
applicable law (6 case(s))
appointment of arbitrator by tribunal (3 case(s))
appointment procedures (2 case(s))
arbitrability (8 case(s))
arbitral award (4 case(s))
arbitral awards (14 case(s))
arbitral proceedings (25 case(s))
arbitral tribunal (32 case(s))
arbitration agreement (51 case(s))
arbitration clause (20 case(s))
arbitration–submission to (1 case(s))
arbitrators (9 case(s))
arbitrators – appointment of (2 case(s))
arbitrators – mandate (2 case(s))
arbitrators-appointment of (3 case(s))
arbitrators-challenge of (1 case(s))
arbitrators-mandate (1 case(s))
assets of the debtor (4 case(s))
assistance (6 case(s))
assistance-additional (4 case(s))
audi alteram partem (2 case(s))
avoidance actions (2 case(s))
award (15 case(s))
award - setting aside (18 case(s))
award – recognition and enforcement (6 case(s))
award – setting aside (1 case(s))
award- recognition and enforcement (1 case(s))
award-correction of (2 case(s))
award-enforcement of (3 case(s))
award-foreign (1 case(s))
award-recognition and enforcement (8 case(s))
award-setting aside (12 case(s))
bad faith (5 case(s))
centre of main interests (COMI) (15 case(s))
centre of main interests (COMI)- movement of (1 case(s))
centre of main interests (COMI)-determination (12 case(s))
centre of main interests (COMI)-timing (7 case(s))
centre of main interests - determination (1 case(s))
centre of main interests - presumption (1 case(s))
centre of main interests - timing (2 case(s))
centre of main interests — determination (1 case(s))
centre of main interests-determination (1 case(s))
chain of contracts (1 case(s))
choice of law (3 case(s))
claims (1 case(s))
clause compromissoire (1 case(s))
clerical errors (1 case(s))
collective proceeding (4 case(s))
comity (6 case(s))
commencement (1 case(s))
commercial (3 case(s))
communication (1 case(s))
competence (7 case(s))
competence-competence (4 case(s))
compromis (1 case(s))
conflict of interest (1 case(s))
conflicts of interest (1 case(s))
contingency fee agreement (1 case(s))
contracts (4 case(s))
cooperation (9 case(s))
cooperation-forms of (2 case(s))
coordination (3 case(s))
court application seeking to strike notice of arbitration (1 case(s))
court-competence (1 case(s))
courts (60 case(s))
creditors (3 case(s))
creditors-protection (10 case(s))
creditors-protection of (2 case(s))
creditors’ protection (5 case(s))
debtor (2 case(s))
debtor-individual (4 case(s))
defences (6 case(s))
documents (2 case(s))
due process (10 case(s))
enforcement (9 case(s))
enterprise group (1 case(s))
equal treatment (3 case(s))
equitable set-off (1 case(s))
establishment (11 case(s))
estoppel (1 case(s))
evidence (2 case(s))
ex aequo et bono (1 case(s))
existence of arbitration agreement (1 case(s))
failure to comply with applicable rules of procedure (1 case(s))
federal States (1 case(s))
foreign court (5 case(s))
foreign main proceeding (23 case(s))
foreign main proceeding-determination (5 case(s))
foreign main proceedings (3 case(s))
foreign non-main proceeding (9 case(s))
foreign non-main proceeding-determination (1 case(s))
foreign proceeding (22 case(s))
foreign proceedings (3 case(s))
foreign representative (19 case(s))
foreign representative - duty of disclosure (1 case(s))
foreign representative- authorization (2 case(s))
foreign representative-authorization (5 case(s))
foreign representative-duty to inform (2 case(s))
form of arbitration agreement (4 case(s))
formal requirements (4 case(s))
functus officio (1 case(s))
ground of law and fact (1 case(s))
grounds for challenge of arbitrator (2 case(s))
group of companies (1 case(s))
habitual residence (1 case(s))
hearings (3 case(s))
immunity-jurisdiction (1 case(s))
impartiality and independence of arbitrator (3 case(s))
incorporation by reference (1 case(s))
injunctions (8 case(s))
insolvency representative-authorization (1 case(s))
interim award (4 case(s))
interim measures (16 case(s))
international obligations (1 case(s))
internationality (4 case(s))
interpretation (2 case(s))
interpretation-international origin (3 case(s))
interpretation-legislative history (6 case(s))
judicial assistance (26 case(s))
judicial intervention (12 case(s))
judicial jurisdiction (1 case(s))
jurisdiction (35 case(s))
knowledge (1 case(s))
kompetenz-kompetenz (11 case(s))
merits of the dispute (1 case(s))
negative jurisdictional ruling by arbitral tribunal (1 case(s))
no review of the merits (1 case(s))
non-discrimination rule (1 case(s))
notice (4 case(s))
notification (1 case(s))
ordre public (5 case(s))
parties (1 case(s))
place of business (2 case(s))
preamble (1 case(s))
presumption - centre of main interests (COMI) (3 case(s))
presumption – foreign representative (2 case(s))
presumption-COMI (3 case(s))
presumption-centre of main interests (1 case(s))
presumption-centre of main interests (COMI) (5 case(s))
presumption-habitual residence (7 case(s))
presumption-insolvency (2 case(s))
private international law (1 case(s))
procedural default (3 case(s))
procedural issues (8 case(s))
procedure (49 case(s))
protective orders (7 case(s))
public policy (48 case(s))
public policy substantive law (1 case(s))
purpose — MLCBI (1 case(s))
purpose-MLCBI (4 case(s))
receipt (2 case(s))
recognition (29 case(s))
recognition and enforcement of an arbitration award (1 case(s))
recognition and enforcement of award (2 case(s))
recognition and enforcement of foreign award (2 case(s))
recognition of award (2 case(s))
recognition of foreign proceeding (1 case(s))
recognition-applicant for (1 case(s))
recognition-application for (8 case(s))
recognition-decision (2 case(s))
recognition-of award (4 case(s))
recognition-termination (1 case(s))
referral of court action to arbitration (3 case(s))
relief (6 case(s))
relief upon request (11 case(s))
relief-automatic (7 case(s))
relief-injunctive (3 case(s))
relief-modification (6 case(s))
relief-provisional (8 case(s))
relief-termination (1 case(s))
relief-upon request (29 case(s))
request for arbitration (1 case(s))
request to vary terms of foreign award (1 case(s))
res judicata (2 case(s))
scope of arbitration agreement (2 case(s))
scope-MLCBI (6 case(s))
security (2 case(s))
sequestration (1 case(s))
set aside (2 case(s))
setting aside (5 case(s))
setting aside a recognition order (1 case(s))
severability (5 case(s))
signatures (1 case(s))
standard of review of arbitral awards (1 case(s))
standing (2 case(s))
stay of application seeking recognition and enforcement of foreign award (1 case(s))
subject-matter arbitrability (1 case(s))
substantial change (1 case(s))
substantive law (2 case(s))
telecommunications (1 case(s))
termination of proceedings (1 case(s))
territorial application (1 case(s))
time limitation (1 case(s))
validity (19 case(s))
waiver (5 case(s))
waiver of arbitration agreement (1 case(s))
writing (1 case(s))